Mechanical and Physical Testing
TCR has a comprehensive range of Mechanical Testing services with a dedicated machine shop to assist in sample preparation. Test specimens are duly prepared for metallic and non-metallic materials for the evaluation of tensile, compression, impact, weldability, fatigue and bend properties.
The Mechanical Testing Facility at TCR conducts tensile tests for understanding the strength and characteristics of a particular material. It provides a precise determination of Proof Stress by the attachment of various electronic controls and extensometers. The Tensile test at Elevated Temperature is a special service offered by TCR. Tests are conducted as per ASTM, BS, IS, DIN, NACE or other client-specified standards. Testing temperatures range from 50°C to 850°C and beyond, for particularly high-temperature applications. The Mechanical Testing department at TCR Arabia performs a range of Impact tests, including Izod and Charpy testing at temperatures from 100°C to -196°C. Highly specialized pressure test facilities are also frequently done at TCR Arabia's Dammam Laboratory.
Superior technology, responsive versatility, and quality performance ensure reliable and fast turnaround on all test results. A dedicated in-house sample machine shop ensures that all test samples are machined onsite. Experts in the Machine shop are capable of low-stress grinding and machining sub-size specimens to very close tolerances. Professionals in the machine shop can custom design fixtures, mount specimens for metallography examinations, and custom fabrication TOFD weld blocks for NDT operators.

Mechanical Testing Facilities at TCR Arabia Conducts a Range of Physical Tests
TCR Arabia is well equipped to determine the mechanical properties of materials and solve a wide variety of technical problems for the industry. Mechanical Testing Facilities available at TCR Arabia include:
Universal Testing Machines
Fatigue System Universal Testing Machine in capacity of 50 KN and 250 KN
Universal Testing Machine (UTM) of 1000 KN capacity with Electronic Extensometer (Germany)
Model EU 40 UTM of 400 KN capacity with high Temperature (Germany)
Universal Testing Machine of 30000 lbs capacity with Electronic Controls and Extensometer (USA)
Test Equipment
Erichsen Cupping Machine
Hydraulic Test Pump
Hardness Testers
Model MH 400 Micro Hardness Tester (USA)
Model HPO 250 Brinell / Vickers Hardness Tester (Germany)
Rockwell & Rockwell Superficial Hardness Testers
​​Impact Testers
Model IT 30 Charpy Impact Tester as per ASTM standard
Model IT 30 Charpy / Izod Impact Tester (ASTM E 23)
Laboratory Facility
Complete workshop facilities including Lathe Machines, CNC wire cut machine, Hacksaw, Stress-free grinding
equipment, Saws, Shaping Machine, Surface Grinding Machines, Milling Machines and Drilling Machines
Complete set of measuring and inspection instruments including Vernier Calipers, Micrometers, and Dial Gauges.
Number of fixtures and attachments for various tests
TCR Arabia provides a diverse range of physical testing services that include:
Tensile / Transverse/Compression test
Tensile test with 0.2% proof stress, stress / strain diagram with electronic extensometer inclusive of sample machining charges
Tensile test at an elevated temperature of up to 850 Deg C with Extensometer and without Extensometer upto elevated Temperature of 400 Deg C
Tensile (n.k.r. value) / composite / plastic / fabric
Tensile test for fine wires/foils
Tensile test for steel bar up to 20mm and up to 36 mm dia
Ball Test
Bend test / Reverse bend / Re-bend / Root / Face / side bend test
Flattening / Flaring Test
Re- bend test including ageing
Proof load test on Nut up to 40000 kg
Proof load test on Nut over 40000 kg
Full size breaking of bolt
Wedge load test / Head soundness test
Compression test of springs (up to 3 readings)
Tensile test for fine wires/foils
Charpy V notch Impact Test (a) R. T. inclusive of sample machining charges as per ASTM E23 (for a total set of 3 specimens and 3 readings)
Impact Test above and below 60°C
Hardness test Rockwell A, B, C
Vickers Hardness test
Brinell Hardness test
Jominy End Quench Test (without normalizing heat treatment)
Sectional Weight of CTD Bars
Surface characteristics of CTD Bars
Hydraulic / Pneumatic Test inclusive of Sample Preparation Charges
Shear Test
Proof Load / Slip Test on Fabricated items such as clamps and assemblies
Load Test up to 40 Ton
Peel Test
Residual Stress Measure
Tensile & Bend Testing
A tensile test measures the resistance of a material to a static or slowly applied force. A machined specimen is placed in the testing machine and a load is applied. A strain gauge or extensometer is used to measure the elongation. The stress obtained at the highest applied force is known as Tensile Strength. The Yield Strength is the stress at which a prescribed amount of plastic deformation (commonly 0.2%) is produced. Elongation describes the extent to which the specimen is stretched before fracture. Information regarding the strength, stiffness, and ductility of a material is obtained from a tensile test. Other variations of the tensile testing include Room Temperature, Low Temperature, Elevated Temperature (ASTM E21), Shear, Temperature and Humidity, Combined Tension and Compression, Through-Thickness, True Strain, Notched Tensile and R (ASTM E646) & N (ASTM E517) values.
All tests at TCR Arabia are performed in line with the ASTM E8, ASTM A370, ASTM B557 and IS/ BS Standards. TCR has the expertise to determine the mechanical properties of materials and resolve a wide variety of technical problems for the industry:
Bend Test
This procedure that determines the relative ductility of metal that is to be formed (usually sheet, strip, plate or wire). It is also used to determine the soundness and toughness of metal (after welding, etc.) The specimen is usually bent over a specified diameter mandrel. The four general types of bends are free bend, guided bend (ASTM E190), semi-guided bend (ASTM E290) and wrap-around bend.
Compression Test
This is a method for assessing the ability of a material to withstand compressive loads. The test is commonly used as a simple measure of the metal workability, particularly in forging and similar bulk deformation processes. Engine mounts, bolster springs, cast products, and similar components are tested to determine load versus displacement.
Ring Flaring Test, ASTM A513
This procedure tests the ability of a section of a tube, approximately 4" in length to flare (with a tool having a 60° included angle). This is done through the tube as the mouth of the flare expands to 15% of the inside diameter without cracking or indicating any flaws.
Ring Flattening Test, ASTM A513
A tube sample, 4" - 6" in length is flattened between parallel plates with the weld 90° from the direction of applied force until opposite walls of the tubing meet. Applications for this test along with the flaring test, include situations where round tubing is to be formed into other shapes.
Impact Testing
The impact test (ASTM E23 and IS/ BS Standard) is a method for evaluating the toughness and notch sensitivity of engineering materials. It is usually used to test the toughness of metals but similar tests are used for polymers, ceramics, and composites. Metal industry sectors include Oil and Gas, Aerospace, Power Generation, Automotive, and Nuclear.
The notched test specimen is broken by the impact of a heavy pendulum or hammer falling at a predetermined velocity through a fixed distance. The test measures the energy absorbed by the fractured specimen.
Charpy Impact Test
A test specimen is machined to a 10mm x 10mm (full size) cross-section, with either a "V" or "U" notch. Sub-size specimens are used where the material thickness is restricted. Specimens can be tested down to cryogenic temperatures.
IZOD Impact Test
The test specimen is machined to a square or round section, with either one, two or three notches. The specimen is clamped vertically on the anvil with the notch facing the hammer.
Keyhole Impact Test
The steel casting industry uses this type of specimen frequently. The notch is machined to look like a keyhole. It is tested in the same manner as the "V" and "U" notch.
Hardness Testing measures a material’s strength by determining resistance to penetration. The hardness test is extremely useful in material selection because it provides a hardness value, which indicates how easily a material can be machined and how well the material will wear. It is defined as the resistance to indentation and it is determined by measuring the permanent depth of the indentation. Simply put, when using a fixed force (load) and a given indenter, the smaller the indentation, the harder the material.
Brinell, ASTM E10 and IS/ BS Standard
This is a simple indentation test for determining the hardness of a wide variety of materials. The test consists of applying a prescribed load, usually between 500 kg and 3000 kg, for a specified time (10-30 seconds), using a 5 or 10mm diameter tungsten carbide ball on the flat surface of a metal sample.
Knoop, ASTM E384 and IS/ BS Standard
The Knoop indenter has a polished rhombohedral shape with an included longitudinal angle of 172° 30´ and an included transverse angle of 130° 0´. The narrowness of the indenter makes it ideal for testing specimens with steep hardness gradients and coatings. Knoop is a better choice for hardness testing of hard and brittle materials.
Rockwell, ASTM E18 and IS/ BS Standard
This test differs from the Brinell test in the shape of the indenter and in the manner that the number is determined. The Rockwell number represents the difference in depth penetration between two loads. There are two types of Rockwell; Rockwell and Superficial Rockwell. The difference between the two is in the minor and major loads applied to the specimen. The indenter used may be a diamond cone or a hardened ball, depending principally on the characteristics of the material being tested.
Micro hardness, ASTM 3384 and IS/ BS Standard
A micro indentation is made on the surface of a metal sample. The hardness number is based on the measurements of the indent formed on the surface of the test specimen.
Portable Hardness, ASTM E110 and IS/ BS Standard
Facility for Portable hardness testing using rebound-type digital hardness tester is available for carrying out hardness testing at the site. This is particularly useful for large objects and where cutting the sample is not possible.
This testing is similar to Brinell, in which a defined indenter is pressed into a material. Once the indenting force is removed, the resulting indentation diagonals are measured. Micro indentation Vickers is per ASTM E384 and Macro indentation Vickers is per ASTM E92.
Nick Break
The principle of this test is to break the sample through the weld metal in order to examine the fractured surface. Applying a three-point bend load induces the fracture. The fractured surface is then examined and the type and location of any weld defect are reported.
The procedure consists of performing a chemical analysis and/or mechanical tests with metallography to provide data for the determination of weldability. Weld Engineering provides additional support and recommendations for material usage. If necessary, trial welds can be fully tested and examined to provide final data.
Nick Break and Weldability
Nick break testing is another simple process that lends itself to learning welding, due to its speed and very low cost. It is also used in production runs, where quality is monitored at intervals throughout production. The principle behind it is to take a sample piece, partially cut through it and then break the remainder off. This allows one to ‘see inside the weld’. Various defects and faults can be easily seen by visual inspection including lack of fusion, porosity, slag inclusions etc.
Component Testing and Fasteners
Testing components take on many forms depending on the application and the conditions present in service. TCR routinely tests components under fatigue, vibration, shock, pressure, high and low temperatures, humidity, solar, corrosion, impact, hydrostatic pressure and altitude conditions. Test capacity can vary from small (several inches in size) to large (vehicle size). Test fixtures can be made in-house via 3D drawings or FE models.
Frequently tested components include automotive parts and assemblies (i.e. axles, engine cradles, transmission shafts, shock absorbers, doors, locking enclosures, connecting rods as engine mounts and crankshafts) electronic displays, communication devices, packaged products, pressure vessels, pipes, and building products such as fascia and structural products. Aerospace components, in particular, electronic devices and landing gear assemblies are also tested.
Dynamic Loading
Dynamic loading takes on many forms like impact, vibration, shock, fatigue and high strain rate to name a few. TCR is capable of performing many forms of dynamic tests on specimens, prototypes, and varied assemblies.
Fasteners - Wedge, Axial, Proof Load and Torque
Fasteners of all sizes used in every application are critical to the integrity of structures and finished components. In addition to dimensional, chemical composition and metallurgical properties, Mechanical Testing is of paramount importance in determining compliance with specifications and fitness for different purposes.
The wedge tensile strength of a hex or square-head fastener, socket-head cap screw or stud is the tensile load that the product is capable of sustaining when stressed with a wedge under the head. The purpose of this test is to obtain the tensile strength and to demonstrate the head quality and ductility of the product.
The Axial tension of fasteners is tested in a holder with a load axially applied between the head and a nut, or in a suitable fixture.
Proof Load
Proof Load testing of a nut is assembled on a hardened, threaded mandrel or a test bolt, using the tension or compression method. A specified proof load is applied on the nut against the nut. The nut should resist this load without stripping or rupturing and should be removable from the test bolt or mandrel by hand after the load is released.
The most common way to estimate clamping force is to observe the amount of torque applied to the fastener. This procedure assumes that the relationship between torque and tension is known. The most common measurement tools are handheld torque wrenches.
Creep & Stress Rupture Test
Creep is high-temperature progressive deformation at constant stress. The high temperature is a relative term that is dependent upon the materials involved. Creep rates are used in evaluating materials for boilers, gas turbines, jet engines, ovens or any application that involves high temperatures under load.
The understanding of the high-temperature behavior of metals is useful in designing failure resistant systems. A creep test involves a tensile specimen under a constant load maintained at a constant temperature and measurements of strain are then recorded over a period of time. Like the Creep Test, Stress rupture test involves a tensile specimen under a constant load at a constant temperature. Stress rupture testing is similar to creep testing apart from the utilization of higher stress than that of creep testing. Stress rupture tests are employed to find out the time it takes for failure and hence stress rupture testing is always continued until failure of the material occurs. Data is plotted similar on a graph and a straight line or best-fit bend is normally obtained at every temperature of interest. The Stress Rupture test is used to determine the time for failure and elongation.
TCR has the facility for conducting Stress rupture test, Creep rupture/Creep test & Stress relaxation test as per ASTM/IS/ISO specifications.
Fatigue and Fracture Toughness Testing
Fatigue testing applies cyclic loading to a test specimen, to understand its performance under similar conditions when in actual use. The load application can either be a repeated application of fixed load or simulation of in-service loads. The load application may be repeated millions of times and up to several hundred times per second.
Many engineering metals and alloys display embrittlement at reduced (below sub-zero) temperatures. Structures fabricated from them fracture or shatter unexpectedly at low temperatures when loaded to stress levels at which performance would otherwise be satisfactory at room temperature. To avoid such incidents, the selection of the right material can be done by testing them for their mechanical properties.
In recent years, tremendous interest has been generated in fracture toughness testing based on linear elastic fracture mechanics. Fracture mechanics principles have been used to quantify safety factors in structural design, taking into account crack propagation and/or brittle fracture. Most structural members, components, vessels, piping, aviation, and aerospace are designed according to analysis criteria that guard against failure. CTOD testing requirement is most common in welded coupon as recommended in ONGC, EIL, DNV & API specification.
TCR Arabia has expanded its capabilities to include fatigue, fracture toughness, CTOD and high-temperature tensile testing with the addition of two fatigue systems with the Universal Testing Machine which has a capacity of 50 kN and 250 kN. The versatile Servo-hydraulic systems will allow the mechanical testing laboratory to perform numerous types of fatigue tests on different specimen sizes and orientations, in the temperature range from ambient to 1000° C. TCR has the capability of applying linear displacements, utilizing linear and hydraulic actuators. Comparison fatigue testing of OEM and alternate source parts can also be performed to demonstrate equivalency of fatigue life.

TCR Arabia provides a diverse range of capabilities following ASTM/BS/ISO Specifications. Both ASTM E606 (Low-cycle fatigue, strain-controlled Fatigue Testing) and ASTM E466 (Load-controlled Fatigue Testing – High or Low-cycle fatigue testing) have been widely in use at TCR Arabia. Tests are also conducted for TMT RE-BAR, COUPLERS Fatigue test (100 Cycles test & 2 million Cycles test) as per IS 16172-2014.
Fracture Toughness Testing: Fracture toughness determines the amount of stress required to propagate an existing flaw or defect in specific materials. Since traditional methods of destructive testing cannot always predict how a material will behave during defect fracture, toughness is very important at the design stage.
Crack-Tip Opening Displacement Testing: Crack-tip opening displacement is used as a type of fracture-toughness testing to determine if a material is appropriate for strenuous working conditions. CTOD testing is the measure of deformation, prior to failure in pre-cracked samples. This type of test is a variation of fatigue testing that has load rates more as representative of in-service conditions.
ASTM E466: Standard Practice for Conducting Force Controlled Constant Amplitude Axial Fatigue Tests of Metallic Materials
ASTM E21 Elevated Temperature Tension Tests for Metallic Materials
ASTM E606: Standard Practice for Strain-Controlled Fatigue Testing
ASTM E647: Standard Test Method for Measurement of Fatigue Crack Growth Rates
ASTM E9 – Room Temperature Compression Testing of Metallic Materials
ASTM E 2714 – Standard Test Method for Creep-Fatigue Testing
ISO 12106: Metallic materials — Fatigue testing —Axial-strain-controlled method
ISO 12108: Metallic materials — Fatigue testing —Fatigue crack growth method
ISO 12108-2002 (E) – Metallic materials – Fatigue testing – Fatigue crack growth Method
IS16172-2014 Reinforcement Couplers for Mechanical Splices of Bars in Concrete- Specification
ASTM E1290: Standard Test Method for Crack-Tip Opening Displacement (CTOD) Fracture Toughness Measurement
ASTM E1820: Standard Test Method for Measurement of Fracture Toughness
ASTM E399: Standard Test Method for Linear-Elastic Plane-Strain Fracture Toughness KIc of Metallic Materials
Strain Fracture Toughness (KIC) for Metallic Materials
ASTM E1820 Measurement of Fracture Toughness (JIC-CTOD Measurement)
BS 7448 (Part 1 to part 4) Fracture Mechanics Toughness tests. Method for Determination of KLC, Critical CTOD and Critical J Values of Welds in Metallic Materials
Fracture Mechanics [K1c, J1c, CTOD] Testing
ASTM E1290 Crack-Tip Opening Displacement (CTOD) Fracture Toughness Measurement
IS 16172-2014: Reinforcement Couplers for Mechanical Splices of Bars in Concrete
Static Tensile Test
Cyclic Tensile Test
Slip Test
High Cycle Fatigue Test
TCR Arabia undertakes a range of testing applications based out of its dedicated Fatigue Test Laboratory in Saudi Arabia:
Fatigue Crack Propagation [da/dN vs ∆K Studies]
Fracture Mechanics [K1c, J1c, CTOD] Testing
3 – Point Bend Testing of Materials
Spring Fatigue Testing
Room Temperature and High Temperature Tests [up to 1000C]
Low/High Cycle Fatigue (LCF/HCF) Testing
High Temperature Tensile Tests [up to 1000C]
High Strain Rate Testing [300mm/sec on 50KN and 100mm/sec on 250KN UTM]
Slow Strain Rate Testing [10-7 mm/sec on 100kN UTM]
Advantage TCR Arabia
Superior technology, responsive teams, unbiased reporting and exceptional performance ensure reliable and fast turnaround on all test results
A dedicated in-house sample machine shop ensures that all test samples are machined on site
Experts in the Machine shop are capable of low-stress grinding and machining sub-size specimens to very close tolerances
Highly qualified engineers in the machine shop are capable of undertaking custom-design fixtures, mount specimens for metallographic examinations and custom-fabricate TOFD weld blocks for NDT operators
Routine testing of fasteners, chain materials, weld coupons, wire rope, castings, sheet, plate, forgings and other components is done in an effective manner to provide clients an efficient and quality-driven service
At TCR, customers feel confident because experienced engineers and technicians not only handle routine but even the most diverse test requests with the same commitment